A word of caution - the lines below might get you thinking and if you do, I'd appreciate it if you could help me organize my line of thought or give me your answers because I've run through these internal conversations many times lately and have never reached a conclusion yet. The question is short and simple but has been asked for ages by so many people.
I was just wondering why are we always on the run? We chase money, fame, position, status and many others. We all seem to be running after something. Right? We go to school we run after marks. For what? To score that cut-off that could get us into one of those reputed colleges. For what? Who knows, all we know is we have to, because that's how it's been for a long time now. Otherwise our future would be doomed. We then somehow make it to a college then we work hard to get a good cgpa while some of us try to prove ourselves in activities other than studies. We finally make our way into some job which we may or may not regret about, in a few years time, down the lane. Then, in the job we fight, compete, slog for hours for a promotion, hike and a list of others. So until we find a job and settle ourselves in it we are running after something either to prove ourselves better than others or just to feel good about ourselves, each of us may have a hundred reasons to do this but everything boils down to getting a good position in the society or a very few do it for the joy of doing it. Then finally we get married and we run after money and all those I listed above to support our family. While supporting and bring up our family is out of pure love for them, we are still obligated to be a part of this race one way or the other. Agreed? No? Then, point out atleast one middle-aged or old couple who hadn't felt exhausted and frustrated at some point in their lives because they just can't pause during this race?
So where is this race heading to? For what joy? Ultimately what will we get out of this. In short, what is really the purpose of this existence? I have often heard learned people say, we exist for a reason. What IS this so-called reason? Is any of us aware of this reason for which we exist? What is the point in being born, running after something because the society says so and then running after something again because you have a responsibility on your head and finally die like you never existed. People close to you will cry, for say, a few days? Weeks? Or months? But after that? You are gone. You will be a forgotten past. A picture probably will remind them of you once in a while and a tear or two might escape their eyes. But, that's all you matter. So, again, I come back to my question. What is the purpose of our existence?
I am certainly not saying that we should free ourselves from the societal norms because I don't think any of us have the courage to do so, as we are still a part of it and we are definitely not that brave or wise enough to make our existence matter by leaving this framework. But, a part of our lives should really be spent on creating a meaning for our lives, our existence. In my opinion, somehow (I have not figured that out yet) we should make a positive impact in other's lives. We live a short life and we should be remembered for the good part of us more than the bad one. We could just pause and look around us. So many things happen around us. But, are we really sensitive to all of those or are we too pre-occupied with ourselves that we fail to notice the world slowly deteriorating out of thirst for love and affection for each other? Where is all that? I see people working so hard to create a good attitude, strong self full of confidence and pride, respect and a lot of those management words used in most of the self-help books. Honestly, I am one of them too. I totally agree. But, sometimes, this small part of me asks me such weird questions making me stop and question myself which eventually leads to a spiral of thoughts and I reach nowhere. Today, I just ended up typing this out to all of you. So, again, the question goes like this...
What is the purpose of our existence?