In our life, we utter so many words of which we have no count. Some hold meaning, some are meaningless, some are well-thought while some are just uttered in a flow of emotions. Some hurt others, some hurt us, some causes a contagious laughter while some result in tears. Above all this, there are a few words which we don't mean at all but we say it anyway without giving a thought about what possible consequences it might have on those at the receiving end. When words can have so much importance, so much weight, such a lasting impact on people, why are we so careless while using it? Why are we being so generous in our choice of words? Is it because it is free of cost? If you think it is, then let me remind you, very strongly, that it costs you people, the love and respect they have for you.
I was recently told by a friend that words are mere sounds and they hold importance only as long as we give it. I agree. But, that is to you my friend. We cannot expect such a level of realization in everyone around us. Why are we humans and what makes us different from things and in certain cases, animals? It is our ability to be sensitive to other's feelings. In which case, expecting THEM to follow this and trying to escape the burden of being responsible for what you speak doesn't define you or categorise you completely as a human being fully conscious of what a fellow being might end up feeling after you have said what you wanted to say.
So, it is a humble request to all those who are reading this. Please be very careful on what you speak. What you say out of a sudden gush of emotions, might cause irreparable damages on the people very close to you, who love you more than you think. You might lose a part of them once and for all and no apology can bring them back after that.
I was recently told by a friend that words are mere sounds and they hold importance only as long as we give it. I agree. But, that is to you my friend. We cannot expect such a level of realization in everyone around us. Why are we humans and what makes us different from things and in certain cases, animals? It is our ability to be sensitive to other's feelings. In which case, expecting THEM to follow this and trying to escape the burden of being responsible for what you speak doesn't define you or categorise you completely as a human being fully conscious of what a fellow being might end up feeling after you have said what you wanted to say.
So, it is a humble request to all those who are reading this. Please be very careful on what you speak. What you say out of a sudden gush of emotions, might cause irreparable damages on the people very close to you, who love you more than you think. You might lose a part of them once and for all and no apology can bring them back after that.
Spread love. Hurt Less.